From Cana of the Galilee to Mount of Precipice follow the story of Jesus’ first miracle, and visit his home town of Nazareth.
Follow the story of Jesus’ first miracle in Cana and continue to his hometown of Nazareth.
It was at Cana of the Galilee, hometown of Nathaniel (later known as St. Bartholomew) that Jesus was said to have turned water into wine at the wedding of a poor couple. The Greek Orthodox Church of St. George was built in the late 19th century on the site of the miracle. It houses two of the six stone jars that followers believe Jesus used in performing the miracle.
Mount of Precipice is believed by many to be the site of the Rejection of Jesus described in Luke 4:29-30 - The people of Nazareth, not accepting Jesus as Messiah tried to push him from the mountain, but "he passed through the midst of them and went away.”
Nazareth, the childhood home of Jesus, is closely associated with Christianity and attracted many pilgrims throughout the last two thousand years. The standout site in Nazareth is the Basilica of the Annunciation, the largest Christian church building in the Middle East. This church was dedicated in 1964 on the Papal visit of Pope Paul VI. You will also visit Mary's Well - the spring and its water are considered holy by both Muslims
and Christians. Earlier generations attributed unusual healing properties to it.
Attractions on the tour:
Duration of the trip- 7 hours
Price: starting at $1,100
Tour begins and ends at the Haifa port
Additional travelers: additional cost