Explore and learn the history of this ancient, magical, multi-cultural city. Visit
important religious sites and monuments as well as archaeological sites in the four quarters of the Old City.
Explore and learn the history of this ancient, magical, multi-cultural city with visits to classic Jewish and Christian sites.
The tour will begin with a panoramic view of Jerusalem and the surrounding area. You choose if you want to see Jerusalem and the Judean desert from Mount Scopus or the Haas Promenade – OR - to appreciate Jerusalem’s splendor from the Mount of Olives, home to many biblical events. All of these lookouts offer an unrivalled vista of the Old City and its environs.
Start on the border of the Armenian Quarter at Mount Zion which houses the tomb of King David. This tomb and is holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims. On the ground level has several Jewish synagogues. The upper level has the Cenacle room where two of the most important events to Christianity transpired: the Last Supper and the Holy Spirit alighted upon the eleven apostles after Easter.
Explore the Jewish Quarter including synagogues, alleys and small shops of the Byzantine Cardo. You will see the artifacts uncovered during archaeological excavations that confirm two thousand years of Jewish presence in the Old City. Tour the Davidson Center, the Southern Wall Archaeological Gardens and Southern Kotel excavation.
Proceed to the Kotel, (The Western Wall), sacred because it is the last remnant of the Second Temple that was destroyed by the Romans. Feel the stones that have witnessed so much in the history of the Jews. Place your special and personal prayer in the cracks of the stones.
Browse in the famous Arab shuk (market) in the Muslim quarter. Its many stalls sell spices, pastries, pottery, sheepskin, embroidered clothes and so much more. If you see something you like, be sure to bargain down the price. It’s part of the experience!
You will seamlessly enter the Christian Quarter and walk the Via Dolorosa, believed to be the path that Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion. This is one of the most celebrated places on a Christian pilgrimage. Continue to the Holy Sepulcher, situated on the hill called Golgotha or Calvary. The Church contains the last five Stations of the cross including the sites of Jesus' crucifixion and burial.
Attractions on the tour: (Please choose 5 locations from this list)
Duration of the trip – 6 hours
Price: starting at $950
Tour begins and ends at the Ashdod port
Additional travelers: additional cost